
New President FAQ

September 2, 2020

Why is Cru naming a new president?

Steve Douglass has served as the president of Cru / Campus Crusade for Christ for 19 years. In recent years, Steve and the rest of the Board of Directors have discussed and prayed about how much longer he should serve in his current role. More recently, over a number of months, Steve felt the Lord telling him that it is time to step aside as president. Because a number of godly and gifted leaders were in place around the world, Steve initiated the process with the board.

In addition to Steve, who was considered for the role?

The board initially considered a number of candidates from around the world, each of whom had years of leadership experience with Campus Crusade for Christ. Steve was selected from among a shorter list of candidates whose names have not been made public.

Why did the selection process take six months?

The selection of only the 3rd president in the movement’s history carries a measure of sobriety. This was the first succession process in which the founder was not involved. It also takes place in the midst of a unique set of global realities that have not existed since our founding in 1951.

The board members were intent on seeking the Lord and wanted to hear clearly from Him. They were willing to not rush the process and to follow His leading at His pace. In addition to a thorough assessment of each candidate, the board took additional time to understand the hurdles to the gospel around the world and the challenges facing our movement as we seek to expand the reach of the gospel.

At the end of six months, the board was confident that they had clearly heard from the Lord and they extended an invitation to Steve Sellers to become the next president.

What makes Steve Sellers qualified to become the next president?

For 43 years, Steve has served in a variety of national and global leadership positions within Cru. He has developed the capacity to build teams of leaders across many nationalities in order to face current realities and consider future opportunities. Most importantly, he has exhibited a deep and humble dependence on the Lord and a compassionate heart for those who are lost apart from knowing Jesus. Throughout his years on staff he has been known for an environment of care and grace in which others can thrive. The board is confident that Steve is the right choice for Cru.

What plans does the new president have for the future of the ministry?

First and foremost, Steve is committed to Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ’s original mission of proclaiming the gospel to the world. The ministry will not veer from its calling of “Helping to fulfill the Great Commission by winning, building and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit, and helping the body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship.”

In order to proclaim the gospel more broadly, this ministry must serve the body of Christ around the world by equipping and entrusting them with the gospel where God has already placed them. In order for the gospel to be proclaimed and our calling to be lived out more fully, the ministry must be centered less in one nation, and allow resources and decisions to be owned at the national and local levels globally.

What role will Christy Sellers have when Steve assumes his new role?

For several decades, Christy has been actively involved in developing women leaders and partnering in ministry alongside Steve. She intends to continue in these roles.

What are Steve and Judy Douglass’ plans when they step down?

God willing, Steve and Judy plan to continue to serve fulltime with the ministry of Cru. Steve will seek to help various organizations work together better to fulfill the Great Commission. He will also be focusing on relationships with Cru donors. And he will continue to host the daily radio program, “Making Your Life Count”.

Judy will be trusting God to give her ongoing writing and speaking opportunities. She also plans to continue to minister broadly through social media. And she will continue to lead Prayer for Prodigals and the Women’s Resources Department.

What is the timetable for the transition?

Steve Sellers is expected to assume the role of president in early October.

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