
Cru offers a variety of ways of working with us, all focused on sharing the good news of Jesus and helping build spiritual movements of evangelism and Christ-centered discipleship on campuses and among groups of people all over the globe. We are excited that God may be calling you to work with us!

Missionary Staff

All Cru ministries offer positions in field and operational roles. Our staff serve in the U.S. and around the world.

Part-time Staff

Many Cru ministries are looking for staff willing to work part-time.

World Headquarters

Opportunities to work at Cru's world headquarters, including jobs, internships and volunteer positions.

Hourly & Salaried Positions

Use your skills, experience and education to accelerate our movement globally.

Staff Profiles

Read stories of how God worked in our staff members’ lives to lead them to work with us.

Thinking About a Mid-Career Change?

God may call you from your current vocation to begin a career with our ministry.

Thank you for exploring what it means to join our team. We are praying for you.

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