Articles on Faith-topics:spiritual-growth/bible

When You Don't Like Reading the Bible

Do you ever struggle to read the Bible? You’re not alone. Explore the roots of your struggle, and get fresh ideas for spending time in Scripture.

10 Reasons You’re Not Reading the Bible

Do you struggle with why people read the Bible? Can I challenge the reasons you’ve decided not to open this book with 10 reasons you’ve told yourself not to read this book?

Mentoring: To Learn Twice

As Marilyn Jarrett teaches others, she gains a deeper understanding about discipleship.

“Bible in a Year” Plans Can Work for You

Even working as a writer for a Christian organization, Rebecca found it hard to reconcile the God she saw who was angry in the Old Testament with the loving Jesus in the New. Until a new resource helped her see the Bible as one big story.

When You Feel Like a Failure after Reading the Bible

Do you feel worse after reading the Bible? Perhaps there’s a better way to read the Bible.

Why Worry Bible Study Download

Sign up to download a PDF of the Bible study "Why Worry".

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